GAAC Laser Cut Appointment Booking
Please select the available time slot below and complete the reservation.
Please make sure to have a ready-to-cut file prepared before your appointment time and arrive 10min priory to your reservation time.
Each laser cut session is 120min. If additional time is needed, please reserve another time slot.
Each student is only allowed to book up to 2 appointments at once. Extra reservations will be cancel.
Each student will be given a safety introduction at the beginning of the laser cut session and please make sure you follow with the instructions. At the end of the session, students need to do the clean up for the machine.
Students must look after the machine during the whole session. Students are not allowed to leave the laser cut machine while the machine is running the program. If need to leave, please make sure the machine is done cutting.
Note: Laser Cut is only available on Tue, Wed, and Sun! Please makes sure the date you put is the available day.
What is a GOOD File?
1. Prepare your file using Adobe Illustrator. Make sure you create the artboard which is 12” x 24” with RGB color mode.
2. Create your drawings and make sure it has no color fill. The outline thickness has to be 0.01 and the color has to be pure red(R: 255/G: 0/B: 0).
3. Save your file and you are ready to cut.